Adding Documentation

What you need to know

If you are a developer wanting to add documentation to the project here is what you need to know.

Before you proceed, make sure you have cloned the repo with git clone

How to Install Jekyll

If you want to add to documentation, you need to install the markdown to html compiler (jekyll) to make sure your changes actaully build.

Install Ruby

Ubuntu Linux

NOTE: this may also work on Mac


Install Bundler

gem install bundler

Use Bundler to install all the other things that we need

bundle install

Edit Documentation

Launch the local jekyll server

bundle exec jekyll serve

NOTE: this will not work if you are editing the _config.yml file, then the local jekyll server needs to be relaunched every time you change that file

NOTE: if your changes are not showing up in the local jekyll server, then that means that you have entered invalid markdown. Go look at the terminal where you are running the jekyll server. It will show you what files fail to build and where. If you are still having trouble, try googling the exact error message, other people may have had the smae problem.

Add a Documentation file

NOTE: If the file is not showing up the the top bar, look at the terminal where you are running the jekyll server to see why that file is not building

Commiting Changes

Request changes get added to master

request your changes be added to master, know in the buisness as a Pull Request