Development and Testing Guide
What you need to know
If you are a developer, here is what you need to know about changing code:
The github is where all code lives and how code is to be distributed
All official code lives on the master branch of the github.
Every time changes are requested to be merged onto master (always via a pull request), a formal testing report must be included.
All code to be merged to master must undergo and pass a review by a fellow collaborator.
Any branch to be merged onto master needs to be up to date. ie: all commits of the non-master branch must be made on top of the most recent commits on master. This is a practice know as rebasing, and it will give us a nice code base histroy moving forward.
Actually Developing
Get the most recent code that works
You must first get the most recent code that works.
- Clone the repo
git clone
NOTE: if you have already cloned the repo, you do not need to do this
- Navigate to the root of the repo
NOTE: if you just cloned you can use cd Open_Source_Ventilator
- Fetch the repository’s branches (this download will suffix remote branches with
so your local branches are safe.)
git fetch origin
- Checkout your local master branch
git checkout master
- Reset your local version of the master branch to match what is on the github
NOTE: This will delete all diffrences between your local master branch and the remote master branch.
git reset origin/master --hard
Making changes
- Checkout a new branch
git checkout -b <my-branch-name>
Make some changes to the code testing along the way
Once you are pleased with your changes
Review your changes
- Get a list of exatly the files that you changed
git status
- See exactly how you changed those files
git diff
Add all the files you changed
git add <file-names>
Make sure you are not on the master branch
git status
- If you are on the master branch
git checkout -b <my-branch name>
- Commit your changes to your current branch with a message about what you did
git commit -m "<i-fixed-bug-x>"
Conduct a Full Formal Test
NOTE: Before conducting a test, make sure your code is uptodate with master with git rebase master
make sure to resolve any merge conflicts and do some more informal tests to make sure your code does indeed work as you think it should.
- make sure you are not still in the middle of a merge / rebase with
git status
Go go thourgh and test all functions listed in out Testing Report Filling in the boxes as you go. NOTE Do not refresh the page, it will delete all yourt entered values
If you want to add a test / change the testing report document
- edit the testing document source file under
to reflect the new test. - Make sure to follow the steps from the guide on adding documentation
- edit the testing document source file under
NOTE: make sure to include the changes to the documentation on this branch. ie: do not checkout a separate branch for editing documentation in this instance, since the change in documentation is to go with the changes in the code already commited on this branch
- Once you are happy with the changes to the testing report, commit them with
git add <path-to-testing-report>
git commit -m "<i-added-x-to-testing-report>"
launch the local jekyll server (instructions ini the guide on adding documentation)
fill out the fillable text docs on the Blank Testing Report page from the local jekyll server (so your added tests show up)
download the site as html into your downloads folder
kill the jekyll server with
Ctrl + c
If you do not want to change the testing document
see the blank testing report
fill out the text boxes with your test results
download the webpage as html
add the testing report in markdown format under
Commit the test to this branch
git add <path-to-my-test>
git commit -m <executed-test-x>
Request your changes be added to master branch
This is known in the business as a Pull Request
- push your local development branch to the github
NOTE: make sure you are not on master branch with
git status
git push origin <my-branch-name> -u
go to the github
click on
Pull Requests
New Pull Request
select your branch under the compare tab
select someone to review your propsed changes to double check your work. (Nessesary even after a foormal test)