Development and Testing Guide

What you need to know

If you are a developer, here is what you need to know about changing code:

Actually Developing

Get the most recent code that works

You must first get the most recent code that works.

git clone

NOTE: if you have already cloned the repo, you do not need to do this

NOTE: if you just cloned you can use cd Open_Source_Ventilator

git fetch origin

git checkout master

NOTE: This will delete all diffrences between your local master branch and the remote master branch.

git reset origin/master --hard

Making changes

git checkout -b <my-branch-name>

git status

git diff

git status

git checkout -b <my-branch name>

git commit -m "<i-fixed-bug-x>"

Conduct a Full Formal Test

NOTE: Before conducting a test, make sure your code is uptodate with master with git rebase master make sure to resolve any merge conflicts and do some more informal tests to make sure your code does indeed work as you think it should.

git status

NOTE: make sure to include the changes to the documentation on this branch. ie: do not checkout a separate branch for editing documentation in this instance, since the change in documentation is to go with the changes in the code already commited on this branch

git add <path-to-testing-report>

git commit -m "<i-added-x-to-testing-report>"

git add <path-to-my-test>

git commit -m <executed-test-x>

Request your changes be added to master branch

This is known in the business as a Pull Request

git push origin <my-branch-name> -u